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Man at Desk

Writing, Teaching, and Editing

I'm currently a graduate student and teacher's assistant at Auburn University learning the ins and outs of teaching literature and composition at the college level. I'm also assisting the school-funded literary magazine, The Southern Humanities Review, by judging and selecting pieces that are submitted to it for publication. I've taken several workshops in Fiction, Poetry, and Playwriting and continue to hone my craft while I study. 

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Teaching Philosophy

I have always been passionate about the art of storytelling, and this is a passion that I want to share with my students, whether that is through literature or creative writing. I want to teach my students to understand and interpret literature by examining how writers use different tools to further advance and complicate their work. I also want to help them explore new works so they can find things they enjoy that they otherwise might not have found, and show them how they can find more through research.

I believe that students learn best when they get to interact with the material and have a say in how the classes proceed. For example, I have always heard that there are three main ways a person comprehends information so it is easy to retain: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile. That’s why I believe a good teacher prepares their lessons so that all three of these methods are involved and all students get a chance to work the way they like. Incorporating all three methods also helps students who learn best by combing those methods, like me. It usually depends on the circumstances, but I usually learn best in a hands-on environment, with some auditory explanation to support me and clarify things I need to understand. Visuals help me too, but just one of each thing doesn’t usually help me. That’s why I have a hard time in lecture-heavy classes, because my attention tends to drift in lectures and even though I want to learn the material, my mind always wanders to some other thing.

My lead teacher, Dr. Doug O’Keefe, gave me some good advice on having visuals, such as writing the agenda on the board or having it on a PowerPoint to show to the class so they know what is planned for the day. He also said that having the goal for the class posted daily will help students understand why we are doing the activities and what they should look for, thus helping them pay attention.

 I’ve noticed that students enjoy creative projects the most. I’ve had them do two creative writing projects in this British Lit. class so far, and they really enjoyed them both. They were both suggested to me by Dr. O’Keefe. For one, I had them do retellings of “Little Red Riding Hood” to understand the difference between story and discourse. The other time I had them make a production plan for Everyman so they could get an idea of what theatre productions do for the play, and how different theatrical elements can add to the overall story. I think they enjoy these projects because it is highly interactive and lets them look at works in new ways. I would love to do more assignments like this.

It’s because of these strategies that I have become a firm believer in the importance of combining formal lecture with interactive activities: lecture to cover large, general topics, and the activities to tune in on more specific details. I also believe the formal lecture should not involve just the teacher speaking; rather, the teacher is leading discussions by asking questions and having the students get involved.

Another activity I have done with my students that was moderately successful, (again, suggested by Dr. O’Keefe), was a competition where students were split into groups to examine a work and write questions about it to quiz the other team. The questions had to be mostly about literary devices in the work and how they affect the work as a whole. The two teams would test each other and be given the opportunity to discuss the answers with their team before submitting their final answer. The team that answered the most questions correctly won a prize, usually bonus points on the next assignment, (though in future face to face classes, I wouldn’t be opposed to rewarding them with something like candy, either). This activity gives them an opportunity to look at the work from another unique perspective.

In order to encourage creativity in the classroom, I would usually have at least one project per semester where the students are given a choice between a research project and a creative project where they can create art that is inspired by a work of their choice. One professor I had at MUW, Mr. T.K. Lee, usually did this as his midterm project for his literature survey courses because it helped some students to stretch their creative muscles and look at the work from a different perspective, especially during a more stressful time in the semester like midterms when they may appreciate the break from essays and exams.

I believe a good teacher also knows when something they are doing isn’t working and are willing to change their approaches in order to help the students. When I was in high school, I had several teachers who were shocked that we didn’t know/remember some skills or facts and would then angrily lecture us all about how lazy we were and tell us we were bad students. A good teacher doesn’t blame the students, especially when it is apparent that all (or at least the majority of them) are struggling to grasp something. If that’s the case, the teacher needs to adapt rather than students. Perhaps they need to incorporate more visuals or hands-on activities in their lessons. Perhaps they need to explain a concept again in a different way. I believe the purpose of teaching is to make students want to learn more, not drill something into their heads. When a student is stimulated by the material, they will be more likely to retain the information and it will be more likely to peak their curiosity so that they’ll want to learn more. Teachers should encourage exploration, and never stifle a student’s creativity or curiosity.

In conclusion, as an instructor I would use my experience and passion for storytelling to help students explore literature by examining literary tools. I would try to lead them and give them room to explore these works by looking at them from multiple perspectives, such as from a critic’s, professor’s or artist’s perspective. I also would adapt my lessons to best fit the needs of my students and assist them by providing different learning methods for them.

Work Experience: About

Sample Lesson Plans

Originally Planned in Coordination with Dr. Doug O'Keefe and other Teaching Assistants

(As planned by Dr. O’Keefe for the sections of October 16, 2020)

Lesson Plan: Early British Lit.

Objective: To help the students prepare for their upcoming paper in which they must ask and answer several questions about a poem of their choice by making them work specifically with metaphysical conceit in poetry.

Total Estimated Time: 50 minutes

Work Completed Before Class: Students must have read the selected poems for this week, (they will be given a short quiz to test their reading knowledge) in order to already have a basic understanding of the poem.


Announcements (5 min)

Go over Firehose (2-5 min)

Flash Quiz (5 min)

Go over metaphysical conceit (5 min)

Split students into groups of two or three and assign them with two pairs of random nouns to create their own metaphysical conceits. They will also work together to compose their own short poem for each conceit (15-20 min)

Students regroup and share their poems and go over the conceits they created (10-15 min)

We decided on this class format and assignments because we have found that students enjoy the interactive and creative work because it allows them to think about the work in a different way. The students enjoyed the challenge of this work, and it helped them understand the concepts of the metaphysical conceit. 

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Work Experience: Text

Teaching Journals

My Teaching Practicum Instructor recommended keeping a journal for each class I taught to keep track of things I learned, changes I made, questions I had, etc. Here are two journal enteries--my first and most recent--to show my development with my experiences during the semester.

August 21, 2020

Today was my first Section meetings with the students. Overall I’d say the two meetings went pretty smoothly, though the second one was definitely better than the first one.

            Something was wrong with Zoom today. I opened my meeting fifteen minutes early and a student came in and was asking my questions. Right when the meeting was about to start and more students were joining, something happened and we all got kicked out of the room and couldn’t get back on. (I suspect the other TA who was meeting at the same time had the same Zoom link as me so we were conflicting each other.) Because of these conflicts, we started our meeting late, and I was flustered and forgot to discuss some of things I wanted even though my notes were right beside me. On the bright side, I was able to come up with a solution to the problem before Dr. O’Keefe suggested the same solution to me over email, which means I was able to keep a level enough head to do that.

            The second meeting was a lot smoother, other than two students coming in late because I wasn’t aware they were in the waiting room. I was able to catch them up, though, by speaking with them for a few minutes after the meeting was over. They both had only recently signed up for the class, so they had a few questions about how the class worked and I pointed them to the syllabus.

            Dr. O’Keefe said he wanted this meeting to mostly be about introductions, so I went down the roster for both sections and took attendance while I asked the students to introduce themselves with a fun fact about themselves. In both classes, a little more than half of the students didn’t come, but I’m going to assume it’s because of technical difficulties.

            After their introductions were over, we went over two of the worksheets that Dr. O’Keefe wanted us to do. The first we were only supposed to briefly cover if the students had any questions, which for the most part they didn’t. The second involved answering a sheet full of questions about a poem, and I tried to engage them in conversations by opening the floor so they can discuss and make observations in order to figure out the questions together. Whenever nobody would speak, I would call on someone and ask them what their thoughts were.

            Next time, I would like to try splitting them into breakout rooms for about ten minutes so they can answer some questions and then share them when they get back, where we can discuss the answers as a group. I think that will help them stay more engaged. I just have to learn how breakout rooms work.

November 6, 2020

Today I had to give my students a quiz on the reading and lecture material, and they did well in both groups. They first had to take the quizzes individually online then we took it together as a group. I wasn't able to prompt as much discussion as I wanted since they mostly talked about what answers they got and I had to push them to explain why they thought it was that answer, but I think they still had fun. We even had a good laugh. 

After class, I had to work with a student on an extra credit assignment in which I quiz them on a Shakespearean sonnet of their choice. The students chose Sonnet 113, so here are the questions I crafted to ask them, (all of which they got correct). 

1. Paraphrase the poem (this was required by the lead teacher).

2. What does the speaker mean by "mine eye is in my mind?"

3. Why do you think the speaker mentions "the crow or dove" in line 12?

4. Seeing how the sonnets normally had a problem/solution format, what is the speaker's conclusion?

Work Experience: Text

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